May and June are usually the best months to sell a home so I thought would pass along some tips needed to get you house ready to sell.
Remember the 60-second rule: That's all the time you have to create a winning first impression. Here are some simple to significant ways to maximize your home's appeal. For the exterior, keep the grass cut and remove any yard clutter like kids’ toys. Keep your flower beds weeded and mulched and put some fresh annuals in pots near the walkway, mailbox and front door. This will add a pop of color and show you like to keep your house well maintained. Touch up any paint on fences, shed or siding if needed. Buyers don’t want to see deferred maintenance and wonder what else you haven’t kept up with. Wash windows inside and out. Making the windows sparkle adds to the appeal and helps the interior look fresh and clean as well.
For the interior of your home, stand in the doorway to each room… try to look from the eyes of a buyer. Evaluate the furniture in each room and remove anything that interrupts "the flow" or makes the room appear smaller. Consider renting a storage unit to move items off-site. Decluttering is the best way to spend your time when getting your house ready to sell. Clean and organize cabinets, closets and bookshelves. Clean all light fixtures and ceiling fans. Shampoo carpets if needed to remove stains. Remove excessive wall hangings and knick-knacks to make the walls less cluttered. Repair all plumbing leaks, including faucets and drain traps. If the walls have scuff marks, use a magic eraser to remove as many as possible. This can be a quick fix and the walls will look fresh without needing to repaint.
Many people ask me if the basement and garage need to be emptied when selling. Organizing those areas is important and making sure they are swept and clean. You do not need to empty them completely. Buyers can look pass boxes of items that have been packed and piled neatly in the basement or garage.
My advice for the day of showings is to open all draperies and window shades during daylight hours and turn on all lights even during the day. Open windows an hour before showing to circulate fresh air if it’s a nice day. Open all the doors between rooms to give an inviting feeling. Place fresh flowers on kitchen or dining room table. Remove or secure pets during showings so they do not endanger a buyer or distract them from falling in love with the house. All jewelry and small valuables should be stored in a safety deposit box or in a locked closet. Beds should be made & clothes picked up. Bathrooms should be clean, with towels folded and toilet lid down. When you leave the house, please leave it as if you know it is going to be shown. You never know when the right person is going to look at it!
I hope this helps get your house ready to sell. If you have any questions or would like me to take a walk through your property for advice on what needs to be done before listing your home, feel free to reach out anytime at or call/text 978-407-2568.
